Following Jesus
Matthew 6:25-33 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches the crowds and his disciples about their relationship with God and their discipleship in the world. In these verses, Jesus speaks about how God provides for our every need and how undue concern for our possessions can get in the way of our living as his disciples.
These words speak to us today as we wrestle with the daily realities of our lives. We
often find ourselves over-scheduled, over-extended, and over-drawn. Our lives are
cluttered with too many commitments, too many possessions. We can be consumed by
it all—we wonder “Will I have enough?” We fear not wearing the right clothes, not
driving the right car, not having the latest electronic toy, not living in the right house.
Too often our things define who we are.
Jesus comes to us in the midst of our fears and announces—“Do not worry! God has
provided for all of your needs!” What does it mean for us to live in relationship with
Jesus? How might our daily discipleship help us to live more simply, trusting in God’s
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Make It Simple
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches the crowds and his disciples about their relationship with God and their discipleship in the world. In these verses, Jesus speaks about how God provides for our every need and how undue concern for our possessions can get in the way of our living as his disciples.
These words speak to us today as we wrestle with the daily realities of our lives. We
often find ourselves over-scheduled, over-extended, and over-drawn. Our lives are
cluttered with too many commitments, too many possessions. We can be consumed by
it all—we wonder “Will I have enough?” We fear not wearing the right clothes, not
driving the right car, not having the latest electronic toy, not living in the right house.
Too often our things define who we are.
Jesus comes to us in the midst of our fears and announces—“Do not worry! God has
provided for all of your needs!” What does it mean for us to live in relationship with
Jesus? How might our daily discipleship help us to live more simply, trusting in God’s
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Make It Simple