Worship and Education Materials for Those at Home
Services this week Our regular worship schedule includes a service of Holy Communion on Saturday at 5:30 pm and a service of Holy Communion at 10 am on Sunday. All are welcome to join us in person or online. Our 10 am Sunday service is livestreamed on our YouTube channel at aplcworship.org. Click here to access our online services. For instructions on accessing services online, click here. Services are archived for later access as well.
Should you encounter issues connecting to our worship videos, contact the church office at aplcoffice at gmail.com for assistance and resources. Children's Resources for This Week
Click below to download a children's worship bulletin for this week's service.
Christian Education Materials
Christian Music for Babies and Young Children - AT HOME Edition
'Baby Music' meets at 9 am the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, but don't forget you can also make music at home! Why not take a few minutes this week to revisit some Baby Music favorites, like Jesus Loves Me, using your child's name and those of loved ones. Grab some instruments or raid the cupboards for some common kitchen items to help you make a joyful noise together! Check out our playlist for more ideas.
Additional Christian Education Resources