Stewardship Update
This year, our stewardship campaign will be held in the spring as we transition to a new fiscal year of June-May. Please watch your inbox and mailbox for details and read this letter from our Stewardship Committee on the transition.
We ask that we all prayerfully and mindfully consider the stewardship of the blessings we have received as we pledge our support to the ministry of the congregation for the coming year at Abiding Presence.
Stewardship highlight for the week:
Our offerings fund a variety of ministries within and outside of APLC. This week, we lift up our worship music program and especially our organ. For more information, talk to Eric Houghton, director of music ministries. Please pray for all those involved in making music during worship, and especially for our organ, the musicians who play it, and those who maintain and tune it.
Our offerings fund a variety of ministries within and outside of APLC. This week, we lift up our worship music program and especially our organ. For more information, talk to Eric Houghton, director of music ministries. Please pray for all those involved in making music during worship, and especially for our organ, the musicians who play it, and those who maintain and tune it.